In the past I have tried Shiatsu to relieve migraines and have found great benefit. Therefore, during my pregnancy, I decided to dedicate some time to myself to relax my body and mind and to better enjoy this sweet period of my life. Shiatsu turned out to be perfect! I have noticed that its benefits are not immediate and temporary like those of a simple massage, but even better, they are long-lasting and manifest over the course of days and treatments.

The most special thing? The weather! It seemed infinite during the sessions, with Agnese's perfumes, warmth and delicacy who, with her hands, completely distracted me from reality and problems, making me feel unique.
Agnese is very knowledgeable and accompanied me through the different stages of pregnancy, sharing her knowledge. I realized how important breathing is.
After each treatment, I bring home a feeling of relaxation and freedom, along with a lot of positive energy.
It's hard to put into words how it really feels, you have to experience it to fully understand this "philosophy". For this reason, I highly recommend Shiatsu to everyone, with no age limits and especially no "needs" limits.
Our body is our cure.
Thank you Agnese.
Chiara Gagliardi
ps: shiatsu as an alternative even for those who don't like being touched read here