Now that I have taken a moment to write about this experience, I feel overwhelmed with emotions.
Let’s go step by step:
The Air India Flight**
I have flown with Air India before, and from the moment you check in your luggage, you step into the Indian way: colorful, noisy, overwhelming, diverse, and full of smiles.
When you enter Malpensa Airport, with every step, you lose the natural light, the weather, the connection to the rhythm of day and night. The bright white lights are intense. As I walked towards my gate, well ahead of time, I passed by corridors filled with beautiful shops. Yet, I felt saddened at the thought of working in such a place, never knowing what the light outside was like.
This artificial light followed me onboard. Overwhelmed by the constant glare of the screens, I put on my sleep mask and gave my eyes some rest.

At some point, a girl caught my gaze, and we both had the same surprised expression: we had just realized that dawn was breaking—we were literally flying towards the sun. The red and yellow hues brought me back to the natural beauty of colors. It was a magical moment, awakening me in every sense.
Arrival in Delhi
Everything went smoothly—customs, baggage claim—and then… a little hiccup. Before leaving Italy, I had decided not to use any paid data connection. I figured the taxi driver would find me, and if needed, I would simply ask for help.
I didn’t find the driver, but an Italian girl I had met in the customs queue spontaneously offered me her phone.
I only needed to take ten more steps—there he was, holding a sign with my name.
It’s amazing how you are never truly lost, even thousands of kilometers from home.
I said goodbye to my fellow traveler and let the driver lead me to the car.
Luckily, exhaustion won over curiosity, allowing me to survive the chaotic Delhi traffic without watching too closely. The honking, sudden brakes, and aggressive driving jolted me awake, but perhaps that’s just how things work here. Driving without rules seems impossible to me… First lesson: trust.
Rishikesh: A Different World
Rishikesh is nothing like Delhi. Nestled at the foothills of the Himalayas, the air is fresher, the sounds less overwhelming. Yoga schools are everywhere, and the city lies along the sacred Ganges River.
After handling the first formalities for accommodation and school, I immediately took a scooter ride to the riverbank.
Here, the water is still clear, as the river originates just a little further upstream. I couldn’t resist—I dipped my hands in. It was cold. It was sacred.
You don’t need to belong to a religion to feel the sacredness of a place.
The Journey Begins
The day ended with dinner alongside a fellow student from Malaysia. Phones will be banned both in class and at meals—a decision that makes perfect sense to me.
I wonder if I’ll manage to capture more of these emotions in writing.
Upcoming Schedule
Saturday, February 1st: Lunch at 1:00 PM, course opening ceremony at 5:30 PM.
Sunday, February 2nd: My birthday! I know there will be celebrations in the evening… But how will the day unfold? A full immersion of eight days in practice and study.
I’m truly happy.